The Message of Kandahar University’s Chancellor

Kandahar University, established in 1990-1369 under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education, holds a prominent position among the five distinguished universities. Located in the former capital and current political and cultural hub of Kandahar, it also monitors the academic and administrative affairs of five provincial universities: Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Zabul, and Daikundi.

Kandahar University aspires to emerge as a leading institution in various scientific disciplines, providing exceptional education and conducting groundbreaking research for the betterment and advancement of society. Under the leadership of a dedicated, experienced, and proficient leadership team, Kandahar University strives to establish itself as a reputable and esteemed global institution.

Shekh Moulavi Abullrahman tuiabi

Voice Chancller

Master of Public Health Program

Introduction :

The public health system in Afghanistan can be strengthened through the presence of well trained and competent public health professionals. Hence, Master of Public Health program was launched in 2017 in Faculty of medicine, Kandahar university. The aim of our MPH program is to make public health education and research activities relevant to Afghanistan in content and context, while attaining standards which are qualitatively comparable with the best in region.

Vision :

To develop a collaborative network of public health graduates who will strengthen the public health capacity and improve public health services in Afghanistan.


To build human resources for health, conduct of research and provision of services to strengthening public health capacities in Afghanistan.

Objectives / Aims

  • To make the public health education program relevant to the health challenges in Afghanistan.
  • To contribute reducing mortality and morbidity in South-West region through improved public health leadership.
  • To conduct relevant public health research particularly in the Southwest region.

Program Organizational Structure :

The MPH Executive Committee composed of six members provide management oversight, establishes, and maintains administrative and the academic standards of the MPH program.












Program Chair-Person :


Muhammad Haroon Stanikzai, MD, MPH, is the chair-person at the Master of Public Health program in Kandahar university, a position he has held since 2019. He earned his master degree from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA. Dr. Stanikzai has a vast experience both as a manger and researcher, while he accumulated while serving in various capacities as Deputy dean of medical faculty, Head Department of Public Health, senior researcher at Azim Consultancy. As the chair-person of MPH, he is responsible for coordinating various functions of MPH post-graduate committee. 

Program Lecturers :

Academic staff holds higher educational and academic grades as per Post-graduate By-law. They are highly qualified in their specific field and have a vast practical experience. The program also has MoU with Indian Institute of Health Management and Research University, on base of which one course in each semester is taught by their esteemed professors. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health was a technical partner for the Program for two years (2017-2019).

Program Duration :

The program is divided in four semesters over a period of two (maximum three) years. Students must complete 42 credits to graduate.

MPH curriculum components:

The MPH program comprises of 15 major courses and a research study. The program curriculum is designed for 640 hours which equals 42 credits and shall include all theoretical and practical sessions that will eventually conclude with successful graduation. A single week will have five teaching days, while each teaching day will have two theoretical and/or practical sessions. Each theoretical period shall extend for 50 minutes while each practical period should be practiced for 100 minutes.

Admission and selection:

Minimum Educational Qualifications: Bachelor degree with average 65% marks in Medicine, Stomatology, Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy and Medical Technology.

Entrance exam: All candidates must go through entrance exam as per MoHE law. First 30 students with higher marks are considered eligible for Program.

Tuition Fee: The total tuition fee for the students admitted in MPH program is (195000) Afg.

Unique Features of Our MPH Program

  • Inter-disciplinary approach
  • Competency driven curriculum
  • Linkages with public health practice
  • Emphasis on problem solving, case-based learning
  • Focus on transformative learning
  • Regionally collaborated with known universities: IIHMR