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Ten-Day OBE-SCL Workshop Begins for Laghman University Professors
On the recommendation of the Ministry of Higher Education, a ten-day workshop on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and Student-Centered Learning (SCL) was launched on Monday for the. . .
Kandahar University Chancellor: Lecturers Should Focus More on Students' Intellectual and Professional Development Alongside Teaching
A coordination meeting was held at Kandahar University’s Masjid Sharif with faculty members from all departments to mark the beginning of the new semester. The event was attended by. . .
HEMIS Workshop Conducted for Academic Teaching Managers
A HEMIS (Higher Education Management Information System) workshop was conducted under the direction of Mr. Rahmatullah Rashtin, Head of Student Affairs at Kandahar University, for the. . .
VacanciesAll available vacancies
faculty position
Kandahar University has announced a faculty position in the Faculty of Engineering - Architecture Department for recruitment. Eligible candidates can apply by visiting the Directorate . . .
اعلان بست های کادر علمی پوهنتون کندهار
پوهنتون کندهار برای بار اول در سال ۱۴۰۳هـ.ش در رشته های ذيل به سويه دکتور، ماستر و لیسانس به کادرهای علمی ضرورت دارد.
پوهنځی طب ؛
• ديپارتمنت طب عدلی(صحت عامه) (۱) بست.
پوهنځی تعلیم . . .